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Workplace Wellness

Discover the transformative benefits of mindfulness, meditation, and movement for workplace well-being. Our classes and workshops, available in flexible time formats and both virtual and in-person settings, encompass yoga, sound healing, meditation, and mindfulness practices. Elevate the well-being of your team and create a harmonious work environment by booking a session today.

Calmed Chaos Workplace Wellness Programs



Experience the power of mindfulness in the workplace with our tailored sessions that can be either 30 minutes or 60 minutes long, available in virtual or in-person formats. Discover the benefits of mindfulness through guided meditation, breathwork, and mindfulness practices designed to reduce stress, enhance focus, and foster a positive work environment.



Immerse yourself in the calming practice of meditation with our workplace wellness sessions. Choose between 30-minute or 60-minute classes, either virtual or in-person, and explore various meditation techniques to cultivate relaxation, improve mental clarity, and promote overall well-being. Sessions may include guided meditation, sound healing, and visualization practices.



Embrace the power of movement for workplace wellness with our yoga and mindful movement sessions. Whether it's a 30-minute energizing flow or a 60-minute grounding practice, we offer both virtual and in-person options. Rejuvenate your body and mind, improve flexibility, and release tension through gentle yoga poses and mindful movement exercises.

Inquire About Workplace Wellness Programs

To  learn more about how our services can benefit your organization, please fill out the contact form.

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